Podcast: Patience Pays & Stock Market Sentiment

Episode 56

Good morning from San Juan!

We’re finally back with the podcast after a break since I was out in Dubai for meetings and we have a lot to catch up on this week.

I am also making a few changes (for those that don’t watch the podcast).

Starting next week the Podcast/Article will be posted on this website and pay-walled going forward. The first part of the show/article will still be FREE (Broad Market Outlook & Key articles) but the company analysis, ideas I am adding to portfolios, charts and Q&A section will be for members only.

This makes it more efficient for me to post it all in one place and better for readers because I can focus on more Q&As and almost make this a “weekly webinar” for members.

Finally, this has been free for two years and I am happy to give back (many have made a lot of money off the ideas from it) but it’s time to paywall it.

  • Click the Podcast tab at the top each week now here on this site ***

  • This site now has a basic $40 membership which will include the Article of The Week and The Sunday Video

  • If you already subscribe to the LongVol Report PDF you get it with it (make sure you can read the locked posts)

Moving on….

This is this weeks Podcast/Article of The Week

Enjoy this weeks podcast.

It’s good to be back on the desk and on this time zone and I am looking forward to getting back into the groove.


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