Podcast: Trading V. Investing

Episode 56

I didn't have to the time to do the Podcast last week and as I mentioned I am going to switch it up a bit going forward.

This is a quick 26 minute podcast on Trading v. Investing.

These ranges in the markets are sharp, I talked about it Sunday and for those that have trade stuff like this it’s either fun or a nightmare with no in-between

But, this is kind of like golf; if you’re taking lessons while you’re already on the course playing the round it’s probably not a good idea.

The positive is that with Trump 2.0 this is going to happen a lot this year so it’s as good as time as ever to learn the difference from Trading v. Investing.

The key notes in this podcast are as follows:

  1. Trading levels and order flow is one framework/strategy: it requires NOTHING but that.

  2. Investing is another strategy: reading the financials, FCF, PE etc.

  3. Sometimes you combine both

  4. Trading in this market is hard but it can be done, with levels.

None of the information here is a recommendation to buy or sell a security and is personal opinion. Please consult a financial advisor and read the full disclosure here.


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